Exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis: description of the pathology

osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis occurs after remission. The pathology develops chronically. It is impossible to completely cope with osteochondrosis.

The disease develops due to an insufficiently active lifestyle, alcohol abuse and nutritional problems.

Intervertebral discs reduce pressure on the vertebrae, but over the years the cartilaginous tissue wears away due to poor lifestyle choices. Renewing cartilaginous tissue is not easy.


Let's find out what causes the symptoms of osteochondrosis:

  • Some signs arise due to deformation of the vertebrae, osteophytes appear.
  • The position of the vertebrae relative to each other changes, the arteries are compressed and the blood supply to the nervous system deteriorates.
  • The appearance of complications due to displacement of the intervertebral discs also causes pain in the nerve endings.
  • When the nerves in the cervical spine are compressed, radicular syndrome appears.
  • Constant overstrain of the neck muscle tissue at the computer or when driving a car.

How does cervical osteochondrosis worsen?

In the neck region, the size of the vertebrae is small. Exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis occurs with special symptoms. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a specialist.The main problem is that patients do not notice the symptoms of the disease.

First degree

Initially, small cracks appear on the discs. The elasticity of the cartilaginous tissue decreases and severe pain in the neck appears if you do not change position for a long time.

High school

Severe neck pain indicates the beginning of the second stage. The pain worsens due to deformation of the intervertebral disc, dislocations appear.In rare situations, numbness occurs in the hands and face.

At the end of the day, the patient feels pain in the neck, which travels further down the spine.

The exacerbation is manifested by falling head syndrome, in which unbearable pain occurs, the head cannot be supported, it is necessary to support it with pillows or hands for the symptom to subside.

Third degree

The third phase of the disease clearly manifests itself, the cause of unpleasant symptoms cannot be attributed to overwork after physical exertion. In the third stage, the patient begins to feel nausea, dizziness, tinnitus and frequent fainting. Acute osteochondrosis is characterized by neck numbness and tinnitus.

Sometimes signs of the disease disappear, but reappear with exacerbations after some time. New signs appear and the pain becomes stronger.

How to behave during an exacerbation?

During an exacerbation, you should not rub warming ointments into your neck or massage a large area. If you feel signs of cervical osteochondrosis, try to relax and take the most comfortable position.

You need to lie on your back so that the muscle tissue stops straining. The attack does not go away on its own.You need to call a doctor to administer painkillers and then make an appointment with a specialist. Many people have painkillers in their home medicine cabinet. You can take these medications so you don't have to call an ambulance.

First aid and treatment

Treatment is carried out by a specialist:

  • Before the doctor arrives, you need to move as little as possible.
  • Sit comfortably in bed, do not overload your body.
  • Take painkillers.
  • Wait for the doctor.

The specialist prescribes antibiotics and medications to eliminate inflammatory processes. They are necessary during an exacerbation.

Patients are prescribed chondroprotectors, which change the destructive processes of the discs and worsen the speed indicators when they occur.

The course of treatment with these drugs is long, less than six months. They are able to prevent exacerbation of the disease.

Medicines belonging to the category of muscle relaxants also help to treat osteochondrosis and relieve tension. Diuretics and vascular medicines, nootropics and B vitamins are also used.

During exacerbations, the disease is accompanied by pain and a procedure called blockade is prescribed. An injection of novocaine is made into the area of the deformed vertebra. Symptoms can be quickly relieved. We list non-drug treatment methods: exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massage.

It will be possible to reduce the intensity of symptoms and alleviate exacerbations with the help of therapeutic exercises. You need to exercise daily to strengthen your neck and spine muscles. Weakened vertebrae will be better held in place thanks to the developed muscles in the back.

Massage is mandatory, thanks to a full course muscle tone improves, eliminates spasms, reduces swelling, cerebrospinal fluid circulates better and blood supply is stabilized. The intervertebral discs stop deforming.

Other treatments

Thanks to the Shants collar, you can reduce the load on the cervical spine during exacerbations. Such a device will keep the neck in a normal position, the load on muscle tissue and vertebrae will be reduced. You need to arrange the sleeping area well, you will need a hard mattress with an orthopedic effect, as well as a pillow that does not bend your neck while resting.

If therapy is carried out at the beginning of the crisis and everything is done correctly, the peak of the disease will subside after some time. If the disease is not treated in time, the attack will subside but will not be completely eliminated. In the future, you should expect several exacerbations, between which the pain will subside. Painful symptoms worsen during the attack.

What medications are used?

When the patient's condition worsens, medications must be used. Exacerbation is eliminated with the help of such medications. Anti-inflammatories or analgesics in tablets, ointments for local or external use. Muscle relaxants help eliminate muscle spasms, which often occur with pain.

Vitamin B improves the conduction of nerve impulses through neurons. Initially used as intramuscular injections, then patients are switched to tablets.If the disease increases blood pressure, calcium channels will be blocked, inhibitors, ACE or combined agents.

When cervical osteochondrosis worsens, its symptoms cause cerebral circulation. Therapeutic procedures involve the use of medications for recovery. To do this, it is advisable to contact a specialist to receive accurate recommendations regarding medications.

When patients experience emotional disturbances, doctors prescribe sedatives, which may be herbal ingredients or tranquilizers. When choosing, experts are often guided by the severity of these symptoms. Novocaine spinal blocks are used for severe painful symptoms.

Surgical intervention

What to do in case of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis if the above methods are not effective? It is necessary to undergo an examination, if complications are identified, the specialist may recommend a surgical procedure aimed at reducing compression and stabilizing the position of the vertebrae. Complications arise after these operations, which is why they are performed in extreme cases.

What to do at home?

Doctors do not recommend treating cervical osteochondrosis at home during exacerbations without prior consultation. You can take a painkiller, wrap a scarf around your neck and wait for the doctor to arrive. Depending on the severity of the process, therapy continues at home or in the hospital.

The symptoms of acute osteochondrosis worsen the quality of life, so urgent measures must be taken. Therapy should be carried out after diagnosis, medical conclusion and exclusion of other pathological options.

Exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis does not occur for a short period; the disorder does not go away on its own. Destructive processes in the cervical spine can develop and lead to complex consequences.

Exacerbation during pregnancy

The pregnant woman's body changes at a physiological level, the level of hormone production changes, the body's center of gravity changes due to the weight of the developing fetus. Minerals and nutrients are absorbed and absorbed more intensely. These changes have a serious impact on the musculoskeletal system. There is a lot of pressure on the spine.

Symptoms in women are the same as in other patients. The difficulty lies in choosing the treatment regimen, as when prescribing medications it is necessary to take into account their likely effect on the child. To combat exacerbations, ointments are used that do not harm the child.

During pregnancy, recurrence of osteochondrosis occurs in 50% of cases due to changes in the spine.

Sometimes, for complex pain, pain relievers or injections are prescribed. Many pregnant women are treated with unconventional methods. Traditional medicine recipes are less harmful to the fetus.

Other ways to eliminate exacerbations

If it is not possible to go to the doctor, you can use different recipes to alleviate the general condition of patients with osteochondrosis in the cervical region. For example, a hot bath helps you relax. You can wrap a woolen scarf or other woolen clothing around your neck. Or apply herbal compresses to the affected area.

Onion, mint and sage are also used for such purposes. Try making an ointment with mumiyo and butter. You can also fix the neck in a stationary state so that the roots of the spinal cord are not compressed.

Gradual worsening

If the relapse of painful symptoms is moderate, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The patient can take painkillers and wear a collar around their neck, but only a specialist can choose the appropriate therapeutic procedure.

During exacerbationcervical osteochondrosisProhibited:

  • Apply heating pads to your neck. Blood will intensively flow to the problem area, the swelling will worsen and the pain will become stronger.
  • The cervical region should not be massaged to avoid worsening the condition.

Manual therapy will be useful in such situations. A qualified professional can realign the vertebrae so that no pressure is placed on the nerve.

Therapeutic measures

The main condition for the success of the disease is complex therapy. Treatment measures include the use of injections, tablets, ointments, special patches and physiotherapeutic procedures.


Drug treatment aims to relieve pain, which is very pronounced in the acute period. Prescription medications such as:

  • Painkillers. They try to give an anesthetic injection before the ambulance arrives, as it can be very difficult for the patient to bear the pain. If a person suffers from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, he always has a pain reliever in stock.
  • Muscle relaxants. Its action is to reduce spasm of the skeletal muscles of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve pain well, relieve inflammation and help if the patient has a fever.
  • Vitamin preparations. To treat exacerbation of osteochondrosis, injectable preparations based on B vitamins are used. They help restore nerve tissue damaged due to pathological changes in the intervertebral region of the cervical spine.
  • Means for local therapy. To alleviate the patient's condition, ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are prescribed. They are means of complementary therapy and are prescribed to enhance the effect of injectable medications. In addition, special adhesives impregnated with medicines are used. For example, a patch containing diclofenac and lidocaine.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy is a method of treating osteochondrosis that has only proven positive and has been used for several decades. During this period, new techniques were developed, the use of which helps to alleviate the symptoms of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis much faster.

If manual therapy techniques are carried out at a highly professional level, this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of muscle tissue, vertebrae and the articular apparatus of the cervical spine.

The following manual therapy techniques are used:

  • Knead the muscles into a separate segment. This technique helps to relieve muscle tension.
  • Mobilization technique. The doctor performs a series of actions by which the function of the articular apparatus is restored only in a certain area of the cervical spine.
  • Manipulation technique. The procedure is a set of actions aimed at restoring the entire joint system that has suffered as a result of pathological changes. This method is used both for cervical osteochondrosis and for the treatment of a disease called common osteochondrosis.

If a patient is prescribed a course of manual therapy, he must carefully choose the doctor who will treat him. After all, even a small error carries serious consequences, including the patient's disability.


Massage is another method of alleviating the patient's condition during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Its application helps to relieve tension in the neck muscles, reduce the amount of lactic acid, the accumulation of which causes muscle spasms, and normalize blood circulation in the inflamed area. The combination of these effects leads to reduced pain.

Surgical intervention

If the doctor notices that conservative treatment will not give the desired result, he prescribes surgical intervention to the patient. There are several indications in which surgery is unavoidable.

  1. Narrowing of the spinal canal due to intervertebral hernia, which leads to compression of the vascular and nerve plexuses.
  2. Displacement of the vertebrae in relation to the horizontal axis.
  3. Intervertebral hernia, which can be single or multiple. This pathology is not an absolute indication for surgery if it does not cause associated symptoms. If, after several courses of conservative therapy, it was not possible to obtain a positive result, they resort to surgery.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise is a method used in the monitoring phase. In the acute period, any exercise performed will bring nothing to the patient except additional suffering. But when the attack is stopped, the inflammatory process is in a decreasing stage, so prescribing a course of physiotherapy becomes an aid.

Thanks to exercise therapy, blood circulation returns to normal and muscles are strengthened. Spinal mobility improves and stiffness disappears, nerve tissue is restored and pain is reduced.

When prescribing physiotherapy, the doctor takes into account factors in which it is contraindicated. Exercise therapy should not be used if the patient suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, benign or malignant neoplasms, severe visual impairment or diabetes mellitus.


Surgical intervention is carried out in two stages, but during one operation. In the first stage, the neurosurgeon eliminates the cause of the pain syndrome. This is a decompression method.

After that, the vertebrae are stabilized. The doctor takes into account that after removing a section of the intervertebral disc, dysfunction of the spinal joint system occurs.

Therefore, the vertebrae are fixed using a special technique.

In modern orthopedic practice, artificial intervertebral discs are used, which make it possible to avoid fusion of the vertebrae when damaged discs are completely removed.

What can you do at home?

Every patient suffering from cervical osteochondrosis should know what to do if it gets worse at home. Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to move during an attack. The patient should lie down on a flat surface and assume a position in which the muscles are minimally tense.

Give the patient an anesthetic injection. If this is not possible, give the patient a painkiller in tablet form. Additionally, an anti-inflammatory ointment or gel should be applied to the neck area. The emergency doctor will tell you what to do next.

Period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis: first aid at home

Treatment of spinal pathologies should only be entrusted to an experienced doctor. And yet there are situations in which the pain appears suddenly and embarrasses the patient's body. An acute exacerbation may occur, for example, if an intervertebral hernia is suspected. In this case, the patient cannot tolerate it and measures must be taken to improve his condition.

To do this, you must follow the following steps:

  • if possible, place the patient on the bed or floor to immobilize the spine;
  • wrap the sore spot with a woolen scarf (it is strictly prohibited to use a heating pad);
  • If the patient is bent over because they are experiencing severe pain, you should not try to straighten them. It is best to place it in the same position on a flat surface;
  • give him a painkiller to drink. It can be Analgin, Diclofenac or Ibuprofen;
  • Call an ambulance.

The emergency doctor will determine how to relieve the painful symptom, whether hospitalization is necessary, or whether treatment can be continued at home.

First aid to a patient

Acute osteochondrosis causes a lot of pain and discomfort, even limiting the mobility of the spine. If it is possible to call the doctor at home, it is better to do so, as self-medication brings even greater complications. However, you must not bear the pain until he arrives. First aid can be provided to the patient:

  1. To begin with, you should limit the mobility of the cervical spine as much as possible, it is better to go to bed.
  2. If painful osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes very severe pain, it can be relieved with the help of medication. If the discomfort is very severe, these medications may not help.
  3. The neck muscles must be relaxed so that the spasm disappears as quickly as possible.
  4. Local medicines can also be used to relieve pain.
  5. In the first few days after the onset of the crisis, it is necessary to use special orthopedic collars that will help to deal with it more quickly.

Many people are interested in the question of how long exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis last. This phase passes differently for each person. If treatment of a crisis was started on time and medications were effective, its duration does not exceed several days. Otherwise, discomfort will accompany the patient for several weeks.

The duration of the exacerbation period depends on the characteristics of the human body, as well as the speed of development of the disease. If treatment of the pathology is started late, this situation will repeat itself.

Exacerbation during pregnancy

Exacerbation of diseases during pregnancy is always undesirable. This brings suffering to the pregnant woman and her baby, but in addition, it makes it difficult to apply therapeutic measures due to contraindications to the use of medications. Physiotherapeutic methods should not be prescribed to pregnant women.

Of the medicines used during pregnancy, Traumeel in the form of tablets, ointments and injections and Paracetamol are allowed. Additionally, physiotherapy is prescribed, but under the strict supervision of a doctor. Exercises are chosen that require minimal physical activity. Preference is given to yoga techniques.

Traditional medicine for severe back pain: effective recipes

The use of traditional methods has a positive effect only in combination with drug treatment. You can eliminate the pain and discomfort of cervical osteochondrosis by using horseradish leaves.

They need to be applied to the sore spot, fixed with a bandage and tape and left overnight. Cosmetic clay mixed with water worked well as a compress.

Our grandmothers treated all types of osteochondrosis with compresses made from grated raw potatoes mixed with honey. This mixture was spread on the affected areas, fixed firmly and left for several hours or overnight. Chili oil tincture is excellent for rubbing.

How to reduce relapse rates

If the disease can worsen, then the person already has a large number of medications in advance that can alleviate the pain. However, without eliminating the cause, the treatment will not be effective.

In addition, unpleasant sensations can return again, and with full force. In exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms and treatment of the disease have already been discussed earlier, it is necessary to understand how to prevent exacerbations.

To achieve this, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  1. Visit to the massage room. Naturally, the specialist must be experienced and skillful so as not to aggravate the exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Massage sessions help develop the cervical spine, increase its functionality and mobility. At the same time, hard and soft tissues are better nourished as blood circulation is normalized.
  2. Doing physical exercise. This is necessary to strengthen the muscular corset of the upper back.
  3. It is advisable to take walks every day before going to sleep. This will allow you to get a good night's rest. It is best to avoid heavy sports, jumping and other exercises that involve heavy loads or sudden movements.
  4. If a person spends a lot of time sitting still, every now and then they need to get up and warm up. When working sedentary, it is best to change your body position every quarter of an hour.
  5. Swimming is an excellent preventive measure for back problems. It not only relaxes the muscles, allowing you to relieve spasms, but at the same time strengthens them.
  6. For a night's sleep, it is best to choose an orthopedic mattress that maintains the correct position of the person's body throughout the night, regardless of how he turns.
  7. For prevention, you can also use non-traditional methods, for example, acupuncture. Naturally, you cannot do this alone, and you should not trust your health to the first "master" you come across either. The procedure must be carried out by an experienced specialist.


To prevent exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • Watch your posture.
  • Avoid straining your muscles while working at a computer or sitting at a desk.
  • Change your position every few minutes to avoid muscle stiffness.
  • If you have to stay in the same position for more than half an hour, take a break to warm up.
  • You need to sleep on a flat surface, sagging armored beds are contraindicated for patients with osteochondrosis.